Posted by Jochem Maas on 01/18/05 06:37
Phillip S. Baker wrote:
> Greetings All,
> I am generating some variable variables.
> I am interested for testing purposes in finding out the names of the
> variables that are actually being generated. Since I want to make sure that
> that my following conditional statements are working properly and the values
> are set.
$var="var";/* nothing */echo "\$".$var."\n";/* like */$var=${"var"};
echo "\$$var\n";/* varvars */${$var."1"}="$var";${$$var}=$var;
echo "\$".${$$var}."1";echo "\n";/* to */echo "\$".${${$$var}."1"};
echo "\n";/*really */echo "\$".${"var1"}."\n";/* f*** */
echo "\$".${${$var}."1"}."\n";echo "\$".${${${${${$var}}}}}."\n";
/* your */${"var"} = ${$$var}."1";echo "\$".$$var."\n";/* day */
to illustrate gregs point :-)
> So is there a way to print out the name of the variables?
> Thanks.
> --
> Blessed Be
> Phillip
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