Reply to redirection to another php page

Your name:


Posted by Stephen V on 04/02/06 15:39

Hello everyone, I need help with this.

I would like to redirect/ go to another php page when the insertion is ok
and also send a variable at the same time.

the idea is, to come on my page for the first time and not doing anything,
then I fill up my form and insert the data and when the oci_execute is done
go to another page.

//it's here I would do this:

If (oci_execute($stmt)){

print "add_task.php?request_name=$req_name";

//here is my whole php page.


// variable name of submit button of request form

$addrequest = $_POST['addrequest'];
print "$addrequest <BR>";

//test if something is submited in the form if this is the case then insert
data in DB

if ($addrequest!='') {

$req_name = $_POST['request_name'];

$req_date = $_POST['request_date'];

$req_client_id = $_POST['request_client_name'];

$req_req_type_id = $_POST['request_type'];

$req_brand_id = $_POST['request_brand_name'];
if ($req_brand_id=='Brand Name') $req_brand_id='NULL';

$req_exp_date = $_POST['request_expected_date'];

$req_comment = $_POST['request_comment'];


$query="insert into requests (
request_name, request_date, request_client_id, request_request_type_id,
request_brand_id, request_wished_delivery_date, request_comment)


Print "$stmt <BR>";
Print "$query <BR>";

If (oci_execute($stmt)){

print "add_task.php?request_name=$req_name";
// gestion du ELse: erreur dans l'insertion en BdD


<center><h1>Add request</h1></p></center>

<p align="center">

<form method="POST" name="requestform" action="add_request.php">
<table border="1" width="50%">
<td align="left" width="50%" height="25">
<p align="left">Request Name</p>
<td align="left" width="50%" height="25" colspan="2">
<p align="left"><input type="text" size="40"
<td align="left" width="50%" height="25">
<p align="left">Request Date</p>
<td align="left" width="50%" height="25" colspan="2">
<p align="left"><input type="text" size="20"
onMouseOver="window.status='Date Picker'; overlib('Click here to choose a
date from a one month pop-up calendar.'); return true;"
onMouseOut="window.status=''; nd(); return true;"><img
src="show-calendar.gif" width=24 height=22 border=0></a></p>
<td align="left" width="50%" height="25">
<p align="left">Client Name</p>
<td align="left" width="50%" height="25" colspan="2">
<p align="left">
<select name="request_client_name" size="1">
<option>Client Name</option>

//connection to database


$query="select client_id, client_firstname||' '||client_lastname as
client_fullname from clients";



while ($row = oci_fetch_array($stmt,OCI_NUM))
echo"<option value=$row[0]>$row[1]</option>";


<td align="left" width="50%" height="25">
<p align="left">Request Type</p>
<td align="left" width="50%" height="25" colspan="2">
<p align="left">
<select name="request_type" size="1">
<option>Request Type</option>


$query="select request_type_id, request_type_name from request_types";



while ($row = oci_fetch_array($stmt,OCI_NUM))
echo"<option value=$row[0]>$row[1]</option>";



<td align="left" width="50%" height="25">
<p align="left">Brand Name</p>
<td align="left" width="50%" height="25" colspan="2">
<p align="left">
<select name="request_brand_name" size="1">
<option>Brand Name</option>


$query="select brand_id, brand_name from brands";



while ($row = oci_fetch_array($stmt,OCI_NUM))
echo"<option value=$row[0]>$row[1]</option>";


//close connection to database


<td align="left" width="50%" height="25">
<p align="left">Expected Delivery Date</p>
<td align="left" width="50%" height="25" colspan="2">
<p align="left"><input type="text" size="20"
onMouseOver="window.status='Date Picker'; overlib('Click here to choose a
date from a full year pop-up calendar.'); return true;"
onMouseOut="window.status=''; nd(); return true;"><img
src="show-calendar.gif" width=24 height=22 border=0></a></p>
<td align="left" width="50%" height="25">
<p align="left">Comment on Request</p>
<td align="left" width="50%" height="25" colspan="2"><textarea
name="request_comment" cols="30" rows="4"></textarea><p>
<td align="left" width="50%" height="25">
<p align="left"></td>
<td align="left" width="25%" height="25">
<p align="left"><input type="submit" name="addrequest" value="add
<td align="left" width="25%" height="25">
<input type="reset" name="resetButton" value="Reset">
<p align="left"></p>

<div id="overDiv" style="position:absolute; visibility:hidden;

<p align="center"><a href="index.php">[Home]</a></p>



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