Posted by Neredbojias on 04/05/06 23:37
To further the education of mankind, "J" <> declaimed:
> 3 specific questions referring primarily to fixed-width columns within
> fixed-width tables:
> 1. For calculating fixed column widths, I found some math online:
> cellpadding * columns * 2 + cellspacing * (columns + 1) + borders *
> (columns + 1) =
> full table width
> I would appreciate any feedback as to whether this is correct/reliable.
Considering the vagaries of and inconsistencies between various browsers, I
doubt the formula would yield perfect results for all.
> 2. I have heard that leaving one column with width undefined is good
> web design practice. Would someone confirm/refute this claim?
Dunno for sure, but probably not because tables are for tabular data which
most often fully defined.
> 3. What is the best way to specify "rowspan" when you have a column
> which continually changes height with updates, and the adjacent column
> has a fixed number of rows? I initially thought that "rowspan=0" would
> be correct but it appears this isn't universally supported.
Probably the normal way. You just have to live with the changing height or
design a better page without tables.
Infinity can have limits.
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