Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 12/17/27 11:44
frizzle wrote:
> Jerry Stuckle wrote:
>>frizzle wrote:
>>>Jerry Stuckle wrote:
>>>>frizzle wrote:
>>>>>Jerry Stuckle wrote:
>>>>>>frizzle wrote:
>>>>>>>Jerry Stuckle wrote:
>>>>>>>>Gary L. Burnore wrote:
>>>>>>>>>On Wed, 05 Apr 2006 07:55:14 -0500, Jerry Stuckle
>>>>>>>>><jstucklex@attglobal.net> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>Standard (DW created files/dirs) have user 'domainname', permissions
>>>>>>>>>>>>'rwx r-x r-x ',
>>>>>>>>>>>>Ftp app uploaded (with chmod 777) have user 'apache', permissions 'rw-
>>>>>>>>>>>>--- --- '
>>>>>>>>>>>Is there a possibility to upload files via PHP without Chmodding, and
>>>>>>>>>>>keep the same group / permissions on uploaded files as those uploaded
>>>>>>>>>>>with, say, DreamWeaver or WS_FTP ?
>>>>>>>>>>>(E.g. with ftp_put() wich i can't seem to get working.)
>>>>>>>>>>Only if you can ftp in as the web server.
>>>>>>>>>It depends on the ftp server, actually. Our ftp server correctly sets
>>>>>>>>>the permissions for you when you push. Seems your ISP has something
>>>>>>>>>set incorrectly.
>>>>>>>>No, he was asking how to upload files with PHP - not with FTP.
>>>>>>>>Remove the "x" from my email address
>>>>>>>>Jerry Stuckle
>>>>>>>>JDS Computer Training Corp.
>>>>>>>Sorry, kind of lost it here; is it possible to FTP via PHP w/o any
>>>>>>>chmodding etc.
>>>>>>>So i could mail a zipfile to a client, tell them to unpack it and
>>>>>>>upload it, and
>>>>>>>have the upload script up and running ... ?
>>>>>>No, you can't upload via PHP. FTP is a system service, just as telnet, ssh and
>>>>>>web server are.
>>>>>>When you ftp a file to the server, the owner of the file is the userid who
>>>>>>uploaded the file (signed into ftp). But when you upload via PHP, you're using
>>>>>>the web server, and the owner is the userid of the server itself.
>>>>>>Remove the "x" from my email address
>>>>>>Jerry Stuckle
>>>>>>JDS Computer Training Corp.
>>>>>Ok, thanks.
>>>>>Not to go on and on about this, but the other thing i asked is
>>>>>impossible as well then?
>>>>> "So i could mail a zipfile to a client, tell them to unpack it and
>>>>>upload it,
>>>>> and have the upload script up and running ... ?"
>>>>It's easy to ftp or to upload via PHP. Both work quite well (unless the
>>>>server's configuration is screwed up). It's when you try to mix the two you
>>>>start running into permission problems and need to chmod.
>>>>Remove the "x" from my email address
>>>>Jerry Stuckle
>>>>JDS Computer Training Corp.
>>>owkaaaaayyyy, i never realized ftp and uploading aren't the same
>>>I don't need to mix them, i need a script to upload files, wich can
>>>run without any chmodding etc.
>>Ok, you just need to ensure you have the original directory permissions set
>>properly, then. In a typical installation the directory would be owned by the
>>webserver's userid with permissions of 755.
>>And I hope I didn't confuse you. You can upload via HTTP, or with the ftp PUT
>>command. In either case the file ends up on the server. But how it gets there
>>is much different.
>>Remove the "x" from my email address
>>Jerry Stuckle
>>JDS Computer Training Corp.
> When i create a new folder, either via Plesk, Dreamweaver or WS_FTP,
> folders are standard chmodded 755.
> That should be allright then ...
> Frizzle.
*Should be* is the key. If your host has things set ip properly, then yes you
should be OK. But if not...
And I'm not sure about Plesk, but I know DreamWeaver and WS_FTP both use ftp to
transfer files. I suspect Plesk does, also.
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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