Posted by Tony Rogerson on 10/02/65 11:44
What about the time differential in a person actually doing something - it
takes a lot longer to fart about running queries in a DOS window then it
does using a nice feature rich UI.
Your comment here really does show you are class room bound.
There is more to this that just installing the box, there are DR strategies,
connectivity issues arrising from clients being on Active Directory and your
box being on something else, your software needs to work with a different
set of db access drivers.
The last thing a company needs is to start implementing different vendor
databases, unless the plan is to migrate - skill set differences are high on
the database products themselves, staffing costs finding a level of
expertise in both products is high, you'd probably have to have multiple
staff because you will stretch to find real experts in both competancies.
Tony Rogerson
SQL Server MVP
http://sqlserverfaq.com - free video tutorials
"DA Morgan" <damorgan@psoug.org> wrote in message
> Hugo Kornelis wrote:
>> Moving to a new platform is costly. You lose lots of productivity
>> attending courses or studying books.
> The average time it takes competent (the operative word here being
> competent) Windows admins to learn Linux or most flavours of UNIX
> sufficient to work with a database product whether Oracle or Sybase
> or whatever) is less than a week.
> Oracle on any flavor of UNIX is identical to Oracle on Windows once
> the initial installation is completed. The only skill required after
> that is minor variations of basic DOS navigation skills.
> If you were talking about moving an entire enterprise I would agree
> with you. But one or two database servers. I'd come in and do it in a
> single day and so would many consultants.
> --
> Daniel A. Morgan
> http://www.psoug.org
> damorgan@x.washington.edu
> (replace x with u to respond)
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