Posted by Jiri Fogl on 11/18/44 11:44
The best advice is probably not to use frames - there are more problems
with them (i.e. accessibility - browse through framed page with cell
phone is a nightmare).
If you must use them, try using cookies or sessions. Every page in main
frame saves its name to the session or cookie. Main page (the one with
<frameset> and <frame> tags) will read this information and write the
appropriate src attribute of main frame.
David T. Ashley wrote:
> Hi,
> I have an application where I use a left frame to navigate to another page
> in the main frame. After I've done this, when I use "RELOAD" in the
> browser, it goes back to the original page rather than the one I've
> navigated to.
> If you go to this page:
> http://fboprimedevel.e3ft.com
> Then choose "Flight Schedule" on the left navigation pane, then use RELOAD
> in the browser, it goes back to the original page.
> How do I change this?
> Thanks, Dave Ashley
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