Posted by qualify19@gmail.com on 04/10/06 03:24
no servers or anything complicated like that needed. example of
something like what i should like like is this
http://bingweb.binghamton.edu/~mseide1/ all i need is the code written
for the following:
All your IMG tags must use the ALT option .
ALL pages must have the following 3 items:
an HTML comment containing your name, lecture section and
presentation number at the top of the file
a title
a copyright at the end of each page. It MUST use the copyright tag,
not the inserted symbol @ or a (c)
1. Your 1st web page (your “home page”). This is what you did for
the 2 home page assignments (just print it).
2. Your 2nd web page must be a frameset definition. You must have at
least 4 frames defined in the set, with any layout that suits your own
3. Four frame pages with the contents IN THE ORDER SHOWN as specified
below (you may add anything else you wish):
Frame A.
the following (anchor-tag) links or in-line images (a text link means
text you can click on, an image link is an image you can click on):
1) an in-line centered image not on bingsuns or bingweb (this means the
actual file is not stored anywhere on campus)
2) an image link to another image (you click on the 1st and get to the
3) a text link to a PAGE (an HTML file) somewhere ON campus, OTHER THAN
4) a text link to a PAGE (an HTML file) somewhere OFF-campus
5) a text link to an IMAGE that is ON-campus (not used elsewhere in
your pages)
6) a text link to an IMAGE that is OFF-campus (not used elsewhere in
your pages)
7) a text link to a NAME anchor (the link must be in frame A and the
target must appear in another of your frames. See the syntax for name=
in the <frame> tag and for name= and target= in the <a> tag )
8) 2 text links using 2 different reserved target names (see the index
in the book), also called “magic targets”
Frame B.
1) color-definitions for links, alinks, and vlinks and either an
explicit color definition for background, OR a specification for
wallpaper. The wallpaper MUST be in your public_html directory.
2) 2 different heading tags.
3) 2 sections of centered text, each done a different way (a <center>
tag and an option on a tag).
4) an EMPHASIS and a STRONG tag (one each, for separate pieces of text)
5) at least 3 different type faces (label as 5a, 5b, & 5c,)
6) at least 3 different text colors (label as 6a, 6b, & 6c)
Frame C.
1) 4 different URLs and 4 text for your Competitive Analysis. Data may
be quotes, graphs or numeric values from your sources of information.
Must be real data.
2) 4 different URLs and 4 text for your Market Trends. Same rules as
Competitive Analysis.
3) a nested, 4-level, Ordered list. This page must NOT contain a CSS
style for lists. Make the lists look the same as the lists in Frame 4
(below), by using tag attributes.
4) a nested, 4-level, Unordered List.
Frame D.
1) an embedded CSS <style> definition for the numbering rules for
nested, ordered lists up to 4 levels deep, as discussd in class,such
that all 4 levels have different numberings (e.g.;alpha, numeric,
2) a nested, 4-level, Ordered List that uses the stylesheet definition
in (D1) above
3) a Dictionary (Glossary) List.
4) a table containing at least 4 rows and 4 columns, with the 1st cell
in 2nd row in a visibly different typeface.
5) a FORM that is emailed to YOU when the "submit" button is clicked
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