Posted by Tom Moreau on 04/11/06 02:44
Thomas A. Moreau, BSc, PhD, MCSE, MCDBA
SQL Server MVP
Toronto, ON Canada
"Rico" <r c o l l e n s @ h e m m i n g w a y . c o mREMOVE THIS PART IN
CAPS> wrote in message news:1fB_f.527$7a.323@pd7tw1no...
I am in the midst of converting an Access back end to SQL Server Express.
The front end program (converted to Access 2003) uses DAO throughout. In
Access, when I use recordset.AddNew I can retrieve the autonum value for the
new record. This doesn't occur with SQL Server, which of course causes an
error (or at least in this code it does since there's an unhandled NULL
value). Is there any way to retrieve this value when I add a new record
from SQL server or will I have to do it programmatically in VB?
Any direction would be great.
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