Reply to Using browser XSLT transformations

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Posted by on 04/10/06 20:33

I'm not sure if this is the right group for this question. It seems to
span a few topics.

I have a PHP page that generates XML output. I want to push this output
through a stylesheet transformation and display this to the user. I
know the transformation is sound because if I save the output as a .xml
file it renders fine. However, the PHP page is displayed as raw text
without even line breaks. I suspect that because the extension for the
page is .php the browser does not know to treat it as XML and apply the
stylesheet. Is it possible to force the browser to do this?

Once I have this working, I would then like to embed the XML into a
larger page generated by PHP. Will the browser be able to only
stylesheet-process the XML portion of the page and leave the rest

Any general suggestions on how to embed stylesheet-transformed XML into
a web page? I know I can use the XML XSLT routines to hand-crank the
transformation, but leaving the XML as it is and getting the browser to
transform seems a lot cleaner.



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