Posted by NC on 04/12/06 01:06
James Bates wrote:
> Hope someone can help me out with something - I'm a HTML/CSS
> developer who know's a little PHP, which I use to make smaller sites
> semi-dynamic, I want to expand on what i'm currently doing but need
> some help.
OK, but you may consider a change in the way you do things. Static Web
sites store content in files, with content embedded into presentation.
With a dynamic Web site, you have more options; you can (1) separate
contrent from presentation, and/or (2) choose to store content (whether
still attached to presentation or not) in files or in a database.
> I currently use PHP to create a single included .php file that contains
> the navigation,
Note that the reverse is also possible. You can have an index.php
file, which contains navigation, include content drawn from files or a
> So (eventually) I get to my question... Rather than having a variable
> written into the top of each page, could I create a globals.php file
> that's included from everypage that knows what section that page is is
> from it's parent folder.
Yes. If your globals.php is included into another file, the
superglobal variable $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] will tell it into what file
it has been included.
Try this: create two files, a.php and b.php.
<?php include 'b.php'; ?>
echo '<p>PHP_SELF=', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'],
'</p><p>__FILE__=', __FILE__, '</p>';
Then point your browser to a.php; the output will be:
In other words, b.php "knows" that its name is b.php and that it's been
included into a.php.
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