Posted by endlesstide on 04/12/06 07:09
My table looks like this...
- Name - Value - Key -
- Bill A. - 847 - 1 -
- Mark B. - 4 - 2 -
- Joe D - 63 - 3 -
- April S - 103 - 4 -
- Mark R. - 1387 - 5 -
- Dave E. - 56 - 6 -
And so on.... 1000 records like this.
QUESTION: What is the most efficient query to select any 50 records,
and sort them by Value ascending? Someone said I needed to add a
Index, which I did for the Value field. What does Cardinality mean?
I am on a learning curve to understand this - I appreciate real
assistance to put together a query that works. Thank you for helping
me advance my knowledge in this forum.
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