Posted by Jim Moe on 04/15/06 21:38
rfr wrote:
> It is still faster, more cross-browser reliable to use tables as a means to
> handle the layout placement / display of material.
Wrong. It is only faster because you are accustomed to doing layout that
> So, all you purists, while technically exact, are missing the point.
No, you are.
Tables-for-layout perpetuates ignorance about what HTML is and how its
design intent. HTML is a MARKUP language; it's very name provides a clue
to this concept. Markup means adding semantic structure the content (this
is a heading level 1, this is a paragraph, this is emphasized, this is a
list, etc.).
> Layers and positioning concepts do NOT yet work reliably cross-browser and
> there are not tools to develop them that can be used by the common masses
> of people.
It is sad statement about the industry that such a lack of standards
conformance is so accepted, that one abusive monopoly has done so little
to update its browser to current practice, that tool makers are so limited
in their technical capability that they cannot produce a tool to create
flexible, designed-for-the-web pages.
jmm (hyphen) list (at) sohnen-moe (dot) com
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