Posted by Serge Rielau on 04/16/06 17:28
Well, first of all IBM is not a product. I could very well be an IBM SQL
Server expert (working for IGS or Websphere for example), but I am a DB2
expert, which I take it was what you meant. :-)
My comments were generic and I'm confident they apply to any SQL RDBMS
out there.
Couple of observations:
1. A thumb rule for using TBSCAN over (index scan & page fetch) is when
the selectivity is worse than, say 5%. Sure any DBSM will pick it's own
secret number, but I don't doubt for a moment that SQL Server, having a
cost based optimizer will eventually say: "Crap. You make me go after
columns not in my index and I'm going to touch next to at least one row
in any page anyway!".
Enabling queries to use covering indexes is important. SELECT * is
counter productive on that end.
2. If all you did in you experiment was a simple CREATE VIEW V AS SELECT
* FROM T then this doesn't say too much.
Thsi is way I made my statement relative. If you SQL is more complex
then mileage will vary depending e.g. on the version of your RDBMS since
you are relying on the optimizer.
SQL is about:
You tell the RDBMS WHAT you want. The RDBMS takes care of the HOW to get it.
As developers it is our responsibility to specify the WHAT correctly.
I'm referring back to the view vs. stored procedure thread here. In that
thread users didn't trust views at all. I don't go that far, but I
wouldn't trust any optimizer ( SQL Server, DB2, you name it) to fix up
all my lazyness through divine intuition.
Lastly I respectfully disagree with the subsequent note in this thread
that over specification of columns in a view has no performance impact.
While this may be true in most cases once the statement invoking the
view is compiled, you are relying on the compiler to optimize out the
unused columns. And that is code path and costs you CPU on first
compile. Whether you can actually "feel" that depends on cache friendly
your app is.
Serge Rielau
DB2 Solutions Development
IBM Toronto Lab
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