Posted by Neredbojias on 04/17/06 12:34
To further the education of mankind, dorayme
<doraymeRidThis@optusnet.com.au> vouchsafed:
> In article <Xns97A7D12BF5E8httpwwwneredbojiasco@>,
> Neredbojias <http://www.neredbojias.com/fliam.php?cat=alt.html>
> wrote:
>> To further the education of mankind, dorayme
>> >
>> > Well, if you have some idea about the order of difficulty,
>> > perhaps you are justified. I would not know. Your "8 years" is
>> > not an argument.
>> I heartily disagree. Sorry, but the people in question are _supposed
>> to_ know what they're doing and certainly not take 8 years to do it.
>> How many workers do you think could stretch-out their jobs for an 8
>> year time period with false promises and disappointment as a net
>> result?
> You heartily disagree with? Lets look at the candidates:
> That he is justified if he has a good perspective on the order of
> difficulty?
> That he is justified even though he has no perspective on the
> order of mag of the difficulty of success?
> That a statement that any group of people are incompetent, lazy
> no-good fools and knaves and schmucks if they can't do something,
> no matter what?
Er, let's go back to the original statement:
>> It is sad statement about the industry that ... tool makers are so
>> limited
>> in their technical capability that they cannot produce a tool to
>> create flexible, designed-for-the-web pages.
The only dun on the "tool makers" is they can't do 'something' because of
their limited capabilities. No one said they're lazy or knaves or
schmucks, etc. Perhaps incompetency was implied, but that includes the
case wherein the order of magnitude of difficulty is so great, the goal
simply cannot be accomplished. I'm not saying such are the facts in this
instance, but it is one possibility.
So of the 3 options you proposed, I'd say number 2 is the item that fits
the poop best.
Infinity can have limits.
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