Posted by Erwin Moller on 04/17/06 13:45
dumbledad@gmail.com wrote:
> Hi All,
> I know this comes up lots but I have tried the previously posted
> solutions and they are not working for me. I have a new installation of
> MySQL and PHP running on Windows Server 2003 SP2 with IIS 6. I
> installed MySQL 5.0.20 from the installer in mysql-5.0.20-win32.zip at
> http://dev.mysql.com/downloads/mysql/5.0.html (and administrator 1.1.9
> and query browser 1.1.20). I installed PHP 5.1.2 from the installer
> php-5.1.2-installer.exe at http://www.php.net/downloads.php.
> The install steps I took for PHP were:
> 1) Run the installer.
Did you read Fine Manual?
While I always encourage people to read the newsgroups (via googlegroups
searching, old deja news) for similar questions, I think the best place to
start is the official installation manual, as can be found on the PHP
If you read that, you'll see:
Windows Installer
The Windows PHP installer is available from the downloads page at
/downloads.php. This installs the CGI version of PHP and for IIS, PWS, and
Xitami, it configures the web server as well. The installer does not
include any extra external PHP extensions (php_*.dll) as you'll only find
those in the Windows Zip Package and PECL downloads.
Note: While the Windows installer is an easy way to make PHP work, it is
restricted in many aspects as, for example, the automatic setup of
extensions is not supported. Use of the installer isn't the preferred
method for installing PHP.
The note says that you should not use it if you are planning on extending
the install, as you just did by adding mysql.
1) Uninstall it,
2) read the installationmanual at www.php.net
3) Install by hand.
Erwin Moller
> 2) Add the installed path (C:\PHP) to the windows path and reboot
> 3) Unpack the pecl extension, the mysql, and the mysqli dlls into
> C:\PHP\ext
> 4) Edit C:\PHP\php.ini to include
> - the reference to doc_root at c:\inetpub\wwwroot
> - the reference to extension_dir at c:\php\ext
> - remove the commenting out of extension=php_mysql.dll
> - add extension=php_mysqli.dll
> 5) Configure IIS following the instructions for IIS 6 at
> http://uk2.php.net/manual/en/install.windows.iis.php
> 6) Copy libmysql.dll from php_5.1.2_mysqli_5.0.18-win32.zip into both
> C:\PHP and C:\WINDOWS\system32
> 7) Restart IIS and the server.
> But, when I go to my page I get
> the error message:
> Call to undefined function mysqli_connect()
> What have I done wrong or failed to do? Does anyone have hints on how I
> can diagnose the problem? Judging by the forums and newsgroups it seems
> to be a problem that occurs repeatedly, but none of the solutions
> suggested before that I have found (e.g. making sure the php.ini file
> is correct, adding c:\php to the path, copying libmysql.dll into
> C:\WINDOWS\system32, ...) work for me.
> Cheers,
> Tim.
> PS I wasn't sure where to post this so I've cross-posted it in
> nntp://comp.lang.php and in http://forums.mysql.com/ I'll copy any
> solution over.
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