Posted by Els on 05/27/05 17:29
Travis Newbury wrote:
> Els wrote:
[the web turning into one big bland mass of pages]
>> I don't think it will happen.
>> There is nothing against using Flash and JavaScript and whatever more
>> designers can come up with to spice up a web site. The thing that
>> (imo) needs to be done though, is make a site so, that if someone
>> doesn't have JavaScript or Flash, at least the information is still
>> available.
> What do you do with a site like Barbie.com? Some little girl (her
> money hungery sue happy parents)
must be USA citizens ;-)
> that cannot use the site for one
> reason or another will find a lawyer that will be happy to sue Mattel
> to make them change the site so the little girl can use it. Who cares
> if they ruin it for all the other little girls in the world.
All Mattell has to do, is provide a text link outside the Flash,
leading to an HTML page.
That HTML page will have to have a link to barbiecollector.com, one to
the /parents/ pages, one to the /catalog/ section, and so on.
And then on all the simple HTML pages which are showing all the boring
information, they should have a link to the Flash content, with
something like "this site is much more fun with Flash installed, get
Flash >here< now" or something.
> You know this will eventually happen. As long as there is no
> punishment for losing a frivoless lawsuit, some slimy lawyer will try
> it. And with the liberal courts out there some jury will let them win.
> Maybe a pesimistic view, but looking at the current state of lawsuits
> in the US it is bound to happen.
I hate the "we'll sue you" mentality, but I think it's a good thing if
sites like barbie.com would just take the minor trouble to provide an
HTML version of their content. It's not like people without Flash
installed, or with bad eyesight, don't ever want to buy a barbie, is
Els http://locusmeus.com/
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- Renato Russo -
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