Posted by Bill on 04/21/06 17:47
I know I'm going to regret this and may loose any help but I get tired of
self styled net etiquette cops who just have to feel superior to someone by
using the 'don't top post' blurb. Guess what, it's an individual decision
which I've consciously made. I've followed many a news group thread where
you have to scroll down to the bottom of a 3 or 4 screen length post just
to read a "Me too" addition. Please don't respond with that tired old "This
is how it has always been done since the dawn of Usenet" sound bite, it was
old 10 years ago and now it's getting so long in the tooth it should be put
out of its misery. If I read a post that is bottom posted or, God forbid,
mixed in with the original post I don't complain to the poster, I adapt.
I've seen some real doozies with the inline postings too, no snipping and
one word answers inserted in a 3 page post, gack, talk about playing spot
the reply. All in all there are three "Standards" in posting, top, inline
and bottom, pick one and move on with your life but don't take it on
yourself to "force" your preferences on others.
Now just to be fair minded scroll down for my original reply to this post.
"Jonathan N. Little" <lws4art@centralva.net> wrote in message
> Bill wrote:
> > Funny you should mention different browsers. I'm just now going through
> > testing on different browsers and low and behold the code works
perfectly on
> > Opera 8.54. So far the code doesn't work in IE 6, Netscape 8.1 or
> > Firefox 1.5. Can you point me at something newer that will produce the
> > effect? I originally did not like the effect on the source page but
> > changing the message to a 5 letter one gives a nice visual I'd like to
> Please don't top post.
> Answer to your question, not offhand but personally I find such
> 'effects' annoying in real short order. I can give you a hint in your
> search, if you do not see 'document.getElementById' in the script then
> skip it because it is an old 4x browser script.
> --
> Take care,
> Jonathan
> -------------------
> http://www.LittleWorksStudio.com
Thanks for the heads up, I never realized that the code was probably for an
older browser. Could I use the 'document.getElementById' somewhere to
supply the correct coords or will this take a complete rewrite to get it up
to the newer browsers?
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