Posted by Beauregard T. Shagnasty on 04/21/06 19:19
Bill wrote:
> What part of "No URL yet" did you miss?
Yes, sorry I did miss that.
> The site I posted is the one I initially threw together using
> FrontPage and is not one I'm currently working with, I just wanted to
> show what the finished page should resemble to the group.
> I guess I missed posting that I'm now using Dreamweaver 8 and not
> FrontPage for the new version of the site, my bad. Dreamweaver
> handles css in a much better fashion than FrontPage so I jumped to
> it.
Have you considered using a good text editor instead?
> I do have a question why do you think I'm fixated with IE??
Well, because you kept stating that you were designing for IE, and
wondering how to make it work in other browsers, I suppose.
> It happens to be the browser I use on my system so I naturally started
> with that in mind.
Do you have the other browsers installed as well?
> The fact that I'm looking into writing for a proper browser should
> tell you I'm not 'fixated' with IE. Besides which doesn't IE dominate
> the web at the moment? If I view my stats for the old page I see a
> much larger slice of the pie going to IE than to other browsers.
Doesn't really matter, though.
> With that in mind why wouldn't I initially design around IE instead
> of another browser. It's only after I've gotten into this a bit that
> I questioned the method I was using to support IE and was looking for
> alternatives.
Most people will tell you that there is generally no need to *support*
IE. Write good error-free conforming code, and your pages will probably
work quite well in *all* browsers.
You also may have missed David's recommendation:
> Please do not top post: http://allmyfaqs.net/faq.pl?How_to_post
Feel free to press the PageDown key before replying. Good inline posting
with trimming as necessary is the preferred method in Usenet.
-Warning: I brake for lawn deer
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