Posted by trippy on 04/21/06 23:10
In article <9dkd429cc8jviegkfc5ddbs5ja1r15ke2j@4ax.com>, meowmix took
the hamburger, threw it on the grill, and I said "Oh wow"...
> On Wed, 19 Apr 2006 16:53:31 -0700, Onideus Mad Hatter
> <usenet@backwater-productions.net> wrote:
> >On Thu, 20 Apr 2006 00:07:29 +0100, meowmix
> ><meow.mix@fuckoffspammer.meow.org> wrote:
> >
> >>her 'kind' descoverd america
> >
> >D00d, I don't think she's THAT old...
> >
> >>which led to americas greatest achievment, you.
> >
> >I'm America's greatest achievement, huh? In what? Rightly kicking
> >everyone's proverbial asses? I hate to be the bearer of bad news,
> >kiddo, but all the high end tech that I'm workin on...I ain't sharin
> >it with you dribbling little apes. If you want multi-adaptive
> >circuitry and composites you can go and invent them your damn fuckin
> >self. Hell, by the time you get around to it I'll probably already be
> >working on particle and cellular emulation. Ablative armor,
> >regenerative alloys, nanomist shielding...fuck all y'all bitches.
> did my post realy fly that far over your head that you had to try and
> bullshite your way out to hide it?
Yes. Hatter's dumb that way.
mhm31x9 Smeeter#29 WSD#30
sTaRShInE_mOOnBeAm aT HoTmAil dOt CoM
NP: "Rhythm From A Red Car" -- Hardline
"Now, technology's getting better all the time and that's fine,
but most of the time all you need is a stick of gum, a pocketknife,
and a smile."
-- Robert Redford "Spy Game"
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