Posted by dorayme on 04/23/06 02:49
In article
Joel Shepherd <joelshep@ix.netcom.com> wrote:
> In article
> <doraymeRidThis-F0FA77.13530022042006@news-vip.optusnet.com.au>,
> dorayme <doraymeRidThis@optusnet.com.au> wrote:
> >
> > ... have been irritated
> > using a PC by the great distance between the Control key and c
> > and even further, v. On the Mac, the command key is closer to
> > both much used letter keys.
> ... I find the Mac's copy/paste command
> key combinations harder ... I have to tuck my thumb under my hand to hold the command
> key and then fish around for the other key with my index finger (on the
> same hand)...
Yes, I see. I do much copy and pasting with my right hand. So
that maybe the peculiar difficulty in my case. I mouse with my
left. Copy and pasting is usually something not in the regular
flow of typing (where both hands are normally used). Seems I was
born for the Mac.
When there is a lot of repetitious c and p ing to be done a thumb
and a forefinger is surer, less likely to tire or get spasms.
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