Reply to Re: Looking for an application to help me write HTML

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Posted by Bob on 04/23/06 03:09

frederick wrote:
> David Segall wrote:
>> The open source Nvu <> will submit the
>> page you are editing, regardless of location, to
>> <>.
> I think that recommendation should be caveated, since Nvu is incapable
> of refraining from rewriting one's source code.
> In theory, any HTML editor that uses syntax highlighting should be
> useful for the OP's needs; similarly, any program that includes HTML
> Tidy as a tool.
> For CSS, TopStyle used to have a stripped-down version available for
> free. I don't believe that they do this any more, but it should be
> possible to find a copy online from one of the usual download sites.
> Although very basic, the free versions had syntax highlighting,
> code-completion, and a properties window, which all seem perfectly
> adequate for the OP's needs.

I would also like code-completion. Do Hot Dog Pro and Coffee Cup, etc.
do that. Also having the tags off to the site where I can just click
them to put them in instead of having to type them out all time?

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