Posted by Alan J. Flavell on 04/23/06 21:04
On Sun, 23 Apr 2006, Jonathan N. Little wrote:
> That is not true. No you cannot apply height, width, borders, etc to
> inline element of which A element is, but nothing prevents your from
> making an inline element display as block.
> A { display: block; }
> Now you may apply any block level property e.g., borders or margins,
> etc.
Indeed, and they're used that way in a menu not far from me.
However, that may well have other consequences which the questioner
had not intended. Certainly a possibility worth considering, case by
> Now vertical alignment is tricky, playing with the padding top can
> work.
Instead of specifying a box height and then trying to align text
within it, one might be advised to equip the text with equal top and
bottom padding, and allow the box to fit itself around that. Just a
different way of looking at the problem...
> Also you can avoid a lot of IE silliness buy using a strict doctype.
ITYM "by choosing a DOCTYPE which triggers standards-ish mode".
Not all variations of "strict" DOCTYPE will put IE into its
standards-ish mood; not all variations of "transitional" DOCTYPE will
put IE into quirks mode.
But yes, as a general principle I would also aim for strict HTML.
The time for the "transition" is past, IMNSHO.
According to http://hsivonen.iki.fi/doctype/ , it seems if you want
*Konqueror* to use standards-ish mode, you would need a strict
doctype. But not IE.
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