Posted by Jerry Stuckle on 04/24/06 01:50
frizzle wrote:
<old posts snipped>
> PHP & OS are similar.
> My upload function is below.
> Hope it can get me/you any further ...
> (again, really thanks for all the help!!)
> Frizzle.
<code snipped>
Sorry for the delay - I missed this one when you posted earlier in the week.
Well, it isn't how I would have done it, but it should work.
First thing I would have done was to move the uploaded file from the temp
directory a working directory (move_uploaded_file() ). This gets it completely
out of the temporary director (which could be something like /tmp) where there
may be limitations on what you can do with it.
Then I'd do the resizing or whatever I need in my workarea.
I'm also not sure why you're ftping back to yourself (at least I assume it's
yourself). Why not just store the file where you want it?
Remove the "x" from my email address
Jerry Stuckle
JDS Computer Training Corp.
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