Posted by Dave Hinz on 04/25/06 16:52
On Tue, 25 Apr 2006 15:38:11 +1000, dorayme <doraymeRidThis@optusnet.com.au> wrote:
> In article <bgrubb-C596CD.23072724042006@news.zianet.com>,
> Bruce Grubb <bgrubb@zianet.com> wrote:
>> If you write to the standard then IE should have no problems.
> This is, once again, not correct. I do not know that you will
> ever see this after what has been said.
Here, let me try. IE can render standard HTML adequately. Other
browsers also will render standard HTML adequately. If you code to the
specific rendering errors that IE has, you will be writing broken HTML
which will be broken on any browser that isn't broken.
You have to go out of your way to limit your audience to IE. Why not do
it the easy way, which also gives you the most portability?
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