Posted by Wolverine on 04/25/06 18:05
Sure, sorry for the clarity issues.
Ok, so I am selecting the user id's from the db into the user_array.
Once I have the user_array I need to replace all occurrences of key
with value in buffer. The buffer is html and I am replacing links to
userid key with userid value. In general, I would estimate that on any
given page the buffer contains at most 15% of the user id keys in
In more specific terms I need to replace 'u=$key' with
'user=$value'(i.e. str_replace('u=15', 'user=69', $buffer). This is
what I tried to explain about building an search and replace array for
str_replace. If I have 10k users I think this would hit performance
pretty hard if I built two arrays of size 10k and then passed them to
str_replace. In addition to the fact it would be processed each and
every load of the page. So my idea was to simply use regex to find all
instances of 'u=$key' and replace with 'user=$user_array[$key]'. This
way has to be more efficient but I didn't have any luck on my first
couple hours of trying.
Thanks for the help
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