Posted by Bruce Grubb on 04/25/06 23:16
In article <4b765cF106nqbU1@individual.net>,
Dave Hinz <DaveHinz@spamcop.net> wrote:
> On Tue, 25 Apr 2006 11:43:06 -0600, Bruce Grubb <bgrubb@zianet.com> wrote:
> > In article <4b6nskFvsorvU1@individual.net>,
> > Dave Hinz <DaveHinz@spamcop.net> wrote:
> >
> >> Here, let me try. IE can render standard HTML adequately. Other
> >> browsers also will render standard HTML adequately. If you code to the
> >> specific rendering errors that IE has, you will be writing broken HTML
> >> which will be broken on any browser that isn't broken.
> > Exactly the point. And besides you have to be doing some really obscure
> > stuff for IE to have serious problems. Going for the standard is the way
> > to go because as previous articles have pointed out HTMLing for version
> > x.0.1 of browser y can have problems if x.0.2 fixes the bug you just HTMLed
> > to.
> Exactly. Long ago, people learned that you don't break the good part to
> fit the bad, you fix the bad one to work with the good one. Applies in
> mechanical assemblies as much as it applies to electronic
> communications.
> > The only sane thing is to HTML to the standard and keep away from as much
> > 'gee wizardry' as you can and go KISS. While the
> ><http://www.positioniseverything.net/explorer.html> page shows some fun
> > bugs in IE
> Heh. I wonder if Microsoft pays attention to that page. They should.
> Talk about someone doing your homework for you and handing you a
> repeatable testable problem statement.
Mac users use to have this joke:
Q: How many Microsoft programers does it take to change a light bulb?
A: None. They declare darkness the new standard.
(which explains why most Windows users and programmers have been in the
dark for the last 15 years :-))
This quote from December 29, 2005 article
about the end of IE for the MacOS suma up the problems:
"We haven't innovated in the browser for almost a decade." (Dare Obsasanjo:
A Jan 2006 article
<http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20060102-5880.html> was just as
critical. More over it shows that for some PC FoxFire NOT IE will be the
default browser.
Worse yet a full 2 months before that Firefox had 14 percent market share
in the US and was rapid at the 1/5 market share in Canada. In Japan IE is
at 70% and dropping like a stone.
Face it unless you are totally blind (or *believe* darkness IS the new
standard) writing to IE is just plain stupid.
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