Reply to Re: color safe

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Posted by Neredbojias on 04/26/06 01:43

To further the education of mankind, "News"
<> vouchsafed:

>>> Yup know what you mean, they locked me up for a stinking parking
>>> ticket I refused to pay. Strip searced, poked, jabbed and then
>>> tossed me in the cave with bars on it. They let me out and I still
>>> have not paid it... of course I was a lot younger and heaps dumber
>>> then.
>> -For a parking ticket?? Where did you park, in the mayor's begonia
>> patch?
> I parked in a no park zone then refused to pay and refused to pay.
> finally the tab was about $300.00 and the cop thought he should drag
> me in.

I knew a guy in Chicago who amassed several tickets amounting to over
$2000.00, and this was some years ago. He used to park in front of his
downtown restaurant, feeling he had the right. Well, one night they came
and got him at his home around 2 in the morning and took him to the
slammer. He had to post a big bond to get out. Surprisingly or not, he
quit bitching about the parking situation after that...

>> I notice one thing: many voters who are vociferously pro tough-law-
>> enforcement sing a different tune once they get a taste of it
>> themselves.
> Tough law enforcement only works when we are tough on ourselves. That
> moment someone is allowed to FORCE you to comply is the moment you
> loose liberty and they gain domination.

I don't think most people in general have any idea of how to protect their
liberties and freedom. Not in today's world. Most are too naive, too
gullible, or just plain too stupid to nourish freedom properly.

> lets just build a huge space ship and allow all those who will not
> live as I want them to to leave this planet in search of the new
> frontier. ;-)

I'd rather send them to Australia and keep the spaceship for myself.

Infinity has its limits.

[Back to original message]

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