Posted by Bruce Grubb on 04/26/06 07:28
In article <4b86vdF10fh7uU4@individual.net>,
Dave Hinz <DaveHinz@spamcop.net> wrote:
> On Wed, 26 Apr 2006 12:51:31 +1000, dorayme <doraymeRidThis@optusnet.com.au>
> wrote:
> > In article <bgrubb-FE4AA9.20315225042006@news.zianet.com>,
> > Bruce Grubb <bgrubb@zianet.com> wrote:
> >
> >> HTML is NOT a page layout format people. The moment you talk about
> >> 'looks'
> >> you are trying to force it into that role and give yourself headaches.
> > You are just being silly now. "The moment you talk about
> > 'looks'..." ! You need to step back from jumping to conclusions
> > so easily.
> Wow. You're actually for real, aren't you. It's like this caracature
> of someone without the slightest clue or background, it's so _perfect_.
YOu think this is a laugh riot go read the excuses VPenman gave for his
insanely poor HTML in the "CR2 Expansion Bug/Feature" thread
<http://tinyurl.com/h2b9b> some years ago. That guy's ignorance was
astounding and his efforts to explain it were pathetic.
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