Posted by Neredbojias on 04/26/06 22:44
To further the education of mankind, Bruce Grubb <bgrubb@zianet.com>
> If you have to 'hack' the HTML to get IE to behave correctly then odds
> are you are not writing to the standard.
That statement is misleading. One might be able to create a small html-
primary, css-minimal page that IE would parse acceptably, but the chances
are quite good that any normal, styled, even halfway-comprehensive document
will indeed need an IE-specific "hack" to work as it should.
> It is better to write to the standards and KISS.
> The biggest problem IMHO is the fact too many people use WYSIWYG web
> designing programs or word processors which barf out HTML guacamole.
> The fact something like Amaya exist shows that you can write a program
> that produces compliant HTML.
I very much agree with that as a problem, although the _biggest_ problems
to me are differing and/or non-confirming browser interpretation of css and
even some html, and the vagueries and inconsistencies of css itself.
Infinity has its limits.
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