Posted by Neredbojias on 04/26/06 22:56
To further the education of mankind, vouchsafed:
> I've designed my site long ago. but the problem is that i've a few
> menus in every page. so i need to add the same code for the same menu
> in every page except its own link( like no "about me' link in "about me
> "page). at the same time i need to put the same css code in evey page.
> and the menu is not located at the same place in every page. The menus
> in every page is different compared to other websites.
PHP is made for your situation. The menu(s) template can be made and
adjusted to render each virtual page uniquely based on a variable in the
search string. Google for info about php and includes.
Infinity has its limits.
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