Posted by Andy Dingley on 04/27/06 19:07
Bruce Grubb wrote:
> Except not all that subset is compliant with the standard.
It's a subset. Therefore (for a standard of this form, for a subset
that's still valid against the DTD) it's still compliant itself.
> Conditional comments is one such example
Conditional comments aren't part of the standard, therefore they're not
part of a subset.
Of course "things that look exactly like conditional comments, but
aren't interpretable as anything other then static SGML comments" _are_
part of the standard and would also remain a part of most sensible
subsets. They don't mean anything special though, they're just comments
(and anything placed between pairs of them is likely to find itself
getting parsed as HTML).
> as show in the "very very sad: most browsers
> are broken :(" thread <http://tinyurl.com/qbhsx>
I bet you have a little list of these ancient bookmarks don't you?
Listed as "Bruce's greatest retorts" "Bruce's most excellent bits of
However you're still clueless almost beyond comparison (this is
alt.html - we've had Bullis and Andkon). No matter how vehemently you
argue that a conditional comment is a script, it isn't -- whether we're
on IE, Mosaic or HotJava.
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