Posted by Paul Watt on 04/28/06 13:40
"Martin Jay" <martin@spam-free.org.uk> wrote in message
> In message <4be1geF110r4pU1@individual.net>, Paul Watt
> <paulioNOSPAM@wattio.freeserve.co.uk> writes
>>I'm building a email form in a XHTML Strict page. I want to have a drop
>>selector box with 3 options in it (x,y,z for example). If x is selected I
>>want x to be in the subject line of the email. How can I do this? Can it
>>done without Javascript?
> Do you want to send the email using a mailto link, such as:
> <a href="mailto:martin@spam-free.org.uk?subject=Email subject"> ?
> Selecting the subject from a drop down menu without using a script isn't
> possible.
> Another thing to bear in mind is that not everyone has a default email
> client set up on the computer they're using, so this sort of link may
> fail. :(
I wasn't going to use a mailto link, proberbly a cgi or php processor
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