Posted by Mimic on 04/28/06 21:34
Bruce Grubb wrote:
> In article <rpmdnX4_MIVUl8zZRVnyuw@pipex.net>, Mimic <dev@null.com> wrote:
>> Bruce Grubb wrote:
>>> In article <4b7i5rF106pgqU1@individual.net>,
>>> "Paul Watt" <paulioNOSPAM@wattio.freeserve.co.uk> wrote:
>>>> "Bruce Grubb" <bgrubb@zianet.com> wrote in message
>>>> news:bgrubb-F49CC6.14160625042006@news.zianet.com...
>>>>> Face it unless you are totally blind (or *believe* darkness IS the new
>>>>> standard) writing to IE is just plain stupid.
>>>> Write for standards, hack for IE. best of both worlds
>>> If you have to 'hack' the HTML to get IE to behave correctly then odds are
>>> you are not writing to the standard.
>> Ok, you'll have to excuse me, before now I just tended to float in and
>> out of here. Is this Bruce chap some kind of troll? or is he actually as
>> stupid as he makes out?
> What is trollish about pointed out a basic fact?
Apart from you basic "fact" has no place in this discussion group.
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