Posted by Sejati Opreker on 01/06/05 12:26
> [snip]
> I meet a problem when I want to deleting a multiple
> row, I have a table that contain columns UserID,
> name,
> company name, and bill. UserID is uniq.
> perhaps, some of UserID, say it five UserID I have
> to
> delete, how to delete all raw that contain that
> UserID
> ? and if I want to update bill of a users (multiple
> user) that data of users taking from a file ( so the
> file contain user UserId and bill), how to make it ?
I', sorry if my previous email not that clear, I'm
making a simple web-base inventory using PHP, and I
don't know how to using a web form to :
1. delete multiple raw by input an uniqID (in this
case UserID, say there was five users)
2. after deleting it, there will be say six users need
to add.
3. and I make delete or add by uploading file that
contain data I need ?
And all I hope can do by a web-base application using
sorry If I can't make it clear in my previos posting
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