Posted by Eman on 10/10/57 11:46
Carl, thanks for reply.
"Carl Vondrick" <spammers@suck.com> ???????/???????? ? ???????? ?????????:
> Eman wrote:
>> 1. When i do setcookie ($vname, $vvalue, time() + 600, "/");
>> it's saved well, but the cookie does not expire after ten
>> minutes as it supposed to be (testing with IE6). What's wrong?
> You're using Internet Explorer. This would be a client side problem. You
> should check how the cookie appears in IE and when it will expire in one
> of
> the control panels.
Yes, i've check it. It seems IE6 somewhat elongates cookie lifetime,
maybe due to caching or time alignment, but not in fatal (need more
tests to be certain). But, actually, the main reason for my wonder
was a stupid bug in my php code.
Anyway, that mistake was useful. It makes it clear for me that it
would be better to do not rely on client in this sensitive point.
I'll force cookie expiration policy on the server-side by saving
(protected) time stamp in the cookie.
And what can you say about p3p? I've found some assertions that
a web site needs a P3P policy for cookies to work properly in IE6
(e.g. http://www.thescripts.com/forum/thread162720.html )
>> 2. When i do setcookie (..); and after that (below in the
>> end of the same script) send a header("Location: $goto");
>> the cookie is not saved. I've create a workaround. But...
>> Is it normal behaviour? I can't find clear information on
>> this in the PHP Manual. Can someone clarify this?
> This is a known bug in PHP on Windows servers.
Thanks a lot for this info.
> The cause is Microsoft and
> the solution is Linux.
> Most of your problems are (probably) caused by Microsoft. :-)
Well, all the things in this world have benefits and disadvantages..
Peace, no holy war \o/ ;) I'm in great respect for Linux :-)
Moreover, in the final shape it will be hosted on Linux, of course.
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