Posted by Jonathan N. Little on 12/26/06 11:46
Jose wrote:
>> I essentially designed my site for 800x600 px screensize and up, using
>> a <div align=center> container which keeps everything relative to the
>> screen. I've checked out some award-winning websites and this is
>> technique seems common. So the absolute positioning is only relative
>> to the container not the screen.
> This goes to show that awards are not useful indicators of website
> "goodness". By forcing your visitors to use up 800x600 of their screen
> in order to see your site, you are doing them a disservice. Sadly, on
> the web people are getting inured to disservice, but nonetheless,
> somebody has to stick up for the cattl... customers. :)
> Do not design for an 800x600 viewport. Design for an arbitrary
> viewport, and let your design flow smoothly whatever size of screen your
> visitor has, or deigns to release to you.
>> However, a picture = 1K words. Can you give me a URL for a site that
>> uses only relative positioning so I can study it?
> I could do that, but then I'd have to kill you.
> The site I run uses only relative positioning. However I commit other
> sins, so keep that in mind.
> http://www.flying20club.org
Your intentions are noble, but don't send a newbie to your site. It will
only muddle the issue. Send him so someone's site that actually shows
how to use markup as markup and styles with CSS and the site is flexible
with respect to the viewport. Many regulars here have such a site.
Toby's comes to mind. Jukka's is a little pedestrian in the artistic
sense but also is correct. Mine I would say is to the other extreme
pushing the aesthetic (got it spelled correctly this time!) side but
still obeys the web's flexible nature.
Michael, what you should to is review this index
Then build your page with strict doctype
Then do not use any element with a 'D' in the Deprecated column on the
page listed above. Do not use any element with 'L' or 'F' in the DTD
Build your page simply with text first. Structure it with markup as it
physically is, i.e., paragraphs with <p></p> elements heading with
<h#></h#> etc...
Then add your decor, background images, colors, borders, etc with CSS.
Results will be
1) A far more accessible site
2) A far more maintainable site
3) Learn something
4) Satisfaction of doing a job right.
Take care,
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