Reply to Re: Blank area above content

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Posted by Neredbojias on 05/03/06 00:25

To further the education of mankind, "klloyd" <>

>> Which has been shown to be, possibly, the worst way to design web pages.
>> You are a print designer, yes?
> Actually this is a website I took over, I did not originally design it.
> It was from a designer before me and this is the design that the client
> liked...I am trying to "fix" it.
>> add this to the body tag:
>> topmargin="0"
> Thank you The One, this solved it. And thank you everyone who responded
> in a civil matter. I never said I am an expert and sorry I obviously
> chose the wrong Google Group, you're all way above me. I'm but a
> peasant.

You can also remove rightmargin="0" as that doesn't do anything in

Interestingly, when I saved your (old) page "complete", Firefox or IE
apparently added the topmargin bit automatically. Strange...

Infinity has its limits.

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