Posted by Neredbojias on 05/03/06 01:06
To further the education of mankind, James O'Riley <James@O'Riley.com>
> How does one properly size a background image? The problem is that
> this particular background image is one of the world that would go
> nicely with my Web Page *index.htm*. It appears 4 times as you scroll
> down the page. I've tried 4 different sizes and it doesn't change a bit.
> Possibly I've coded it wrong. The line of code is:
> <BODY BACKGROUND="aworld.gif" TEXT="#000000" LINK= "#0000FF"
> ALINK="#ff0000" VLINK= "0000A0">
Unquestionably, but look on the bright side. That might have been right 10
years ago.
> I've not put it on the Web yet because if I can't get this to work
> there's no sense to put it up.
Absolutely true. And in a 10-year scope, there's no rush, anyway.
> Thanks for help,
Andy probably identified your size problem (regarding the bg image), but
the best advice from both previous responders was to acquaint yourself with
css (-and, implied, current html standards).
Infinity has its limits.
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