Posted by kchayka on 05/03/06 07:13
Michael Laplante wrote:
> "kchayka" <usenet@c-net.us> wrote in message
> news:4bq5ktF12qvgoU1@individual.net...
>> Michael Laplante wrote:
>> I find it puzzling how you, an admitted novice, can so easily dismiss
>> the advice of those with more experience.
> Easy there, little guy. I know you think you're an alpha male in the ng
You couldn't be more wrong. ;)
> So far I haven't seen a snippet of code from you,
I don't spoon-feed newbies, especially those with an attitude. Tis
better to teach people how to help themselves, but that only works if
they are really interested in learning. Sadly, that doesn't seem to be
the case here.
> not one suggestion beyond
> "relative positioning" with no particular argument to support it,
No, I never suggested positioning of any kind. I distinctly recall
questioning your need for it at all, and more than once. You simply
don't understand the technology you're attempting to use, and don't
seem terribly interested in learning how to use it wisely. There is
nothing worse than a closed mind. :(
> no suggestions for my print issue,
The issue is far bigger than print. My suggestion was to get some
good, pre-made templates, study how they were made, and start over. I
even posted a link or two.
If you want to remain ignorant, that is your choice, but the regulars
won't take kindly to it.
> not one URL to your website or any others
> that might show me what a CSS wizard you are.
I'll cut you a little slack because you're new around here. I've been
around for a long time. I don't need to prove myself to you.
> Appreciate your help,
Don't lie now. It's rude. ;)
> but you can move on to someone else now. . .
But we were having so much fun... :(
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