Posted by ironcorona on 05/03/06 18:27
Martin Jay wrote:
> In message <1146668123.405195.196160@i39g2000cwa.googlegroups.com>,
> subp@wachtel.us writes
>> I have a relatively positioned td and absolutely positioned DIVs within
>> it. In IE, it works, but in FF it doesn't. In FF, the divs are
>> positioned to the nearest containing non-table container, not the TD.
>> I was able to 'hack' the problem by adding a div into the markup, but I
>> really don't want to have to do that. Any thoughts? I appreciate it.
> Sounds yuk!
> What about adding:
> display: block;
There it is again. display:block; It seems to be the answer to every
problem I've seen lately. Yours is a much more elegant solution than mine.
If I were King of the World I'd give a medal to "display:block;". But
then you'd probably all ask if I had nothing better to do with my time!!!
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