Posted by Neredbojias on 05/04/06 07:05
To further the education of mankind, Mark Parnell
<webmaster@clarkecomputers.com.au> vouchsafed:
> Deciding to do something for the good of humanity, Neredbojias
> <http://www.neredbojias.com/fliam.php?cat=alt.html> declared in
> alt.html:
>> Not like in this newsgroup where
>> everyone listens politely, doesn't argue, speaks only when they have
>> something intelligent to say, and takes the advice proffered to fix
>> their stupid pages which don't amount to a dried booger on a desktop
>> bottom of a lesser classroom in the school of time, anyway.
> Eh? Which group's that then?
Hmm, perhaps I have it confused with alt.apprentice.angels.
Did you sharpen your x-face?
Infinity has its limits.
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