Reply to Re: Getting a table to size correctly.

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Posted by Mark Parnell on 05/05/06 09:11

Deciding to do something for the good of humanity, Domestos
<andy.mak@virgin.netspam> declared in alt.html:

> My html allows the middle column to expand to the width of the explorer
> window

IE isn't the only browser.

> automatically no matter what width it is dragged too, but it limits
> the screen size to a minimum of 800 in width for all columns.

You're starting from a wrong premise. Tables are meant for tabular data,
not page layout.

> However I
> needed 200 for each of the columns to each side hence my design...

You are putting 200px wide images in both outer columns?

> I cannot accomidate everybodys surfing style...

The rest of us can, why can't you?

> I think web designers often bend over too much for thier viewers pleasure.

The web is fluid by nature. You have to try hard to make it inflexible.

Mark Parnell
My Usenet is improved; yours could be too:

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