Reply to Re: MT-NewsWatcher and Intel iMac

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Posted by Michelle Steiner on 05/05/06 09:19

In article <>,
Donald McDaniel <> wrote:

> >>>> In the first place, one does not have to "spend $200", since XP
> >>>> Professional can be purchased for much less.
> >>>
> >>> Professional lists for $299; you can get more than a third off?
> >>> Home edition lists for $199, and the lowest I've seen it for sale
> >>> has been in the 190s.
> You are referring to the so-called "FULL RETAIL" distribution of Pro
> and Home, Michelle, and apparently you are under the impression that
> these are the ONLY types of licenses Microsoft sells.

Well, yeah, there are discounts available, but not for the general

> This is simply because of your lack of knowledge about Windows XP in
> general

Lack of knowledge of a product means that I can't google prices?

> > If someone were eligible for any of those discounts, very good for
> > them. Many of us aren't.
> How many OS X users are "eligible for those discounts" when they
> purchase Office:Mac Academic Licenses for its low price as compared
> with a "full Office:Mac" distribution because few sellers check for
> proof of eligibility, and they would otherwise be ineligible for the
> discount?

Microsoft Office is not Microsoft Windows. BTY, Microsoft does not
require retailers to check for eligibility for the student version of
Office; that's the reason that retailers don't check. It's the only
product that the Apple Stores do not check eligibility for; for that
matter, it is the only software that qualifies for a student discount at
an Apple Store. (I'm referring to the brick and mortar stores, not the
online store.)

> But of course, OS X users are NEVER hypocrites, are they.

I know one who is.

> Obviously, neither Mr. Jobs or his sycophants seem to have any
> concerns about user eligibility for Microsoft products.

Office is "products", plural? The point is that since Gates doesn't
have that concern, why should Jobs? Or Fry's? Or CompUSA? Or

But it does appear that people who rush to bash Jobs and his
"sycophants" don't bother to know the facts before rushing in.

> Why would you suddenly be concerned, Michelle? Maybe because it
> calls your own so-called "ethics" into question?

My ethics aren't the ones in question.

> I call it a "draw" on ethics.

Call it whatever you want; you have a propensity to do that anyway.

> However, both OSes have relative faults in at least this area, since
> the OSX edition Retail edition will only install on an Apple with an
> existing Apple OS on it

That is totally incorrect. One could remove the hard drive, and replace
it with a brand new, unformatted hard drive, and install any supported
version of the Mac OS on it.

But facts don't mean anything to you, do they?

Stop Mad Cowboy Disease: Impeach the son of a Bush.

[Back to original message]

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