Posted by David Dorward on 05/05/06 09:56 wrote:
> I want to know the difference between an ordinary group & a usenet
> group.
To most people, a newsgroup on Usenet (a Usenet group) IS a normal group.
Usenet consists of a large collection of servers run by many different
people and organisations that share messages.
Google provides a webbased client (with their own server) to Usenet along
with a large archive. To confuse matters they also provide a number of
private groups which exist only on their servers (which I think is what you
mean by "ordinary group").
> second:- When a new user enters a group he can join that group by
> clicking on the link "Join this group" (joining group is free
> ofcourse). In case of joining a usenet, one has to click "Subscribe to
> this group" What is the difference bet join & subscribe.
Nothing, except the name.
> Does a user has to pay for subscription ?
David Dorward <> <>
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