Reply to Re: link invitation question

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Posted by Andrew Engels Rump (formerly Leif Andrew Rump) on 05/05/06 10:59

After drinking 3 Pan Galactic Gargle Blasters, Jose
<> mumbled in news:XGA6g.909$zR3.683
>> Anyone know anything about Dirpedia?
> No, but I got a similar invitation. It appears to be a bot
> sending the stuff out (nobody who reads my website would pick
> the keywords that dirpedia did).

Same here!

> I consider it spam. If anybody knows different, I'll listen.

It is unsolicited, and as you suggest even automated! I do
like wikipedia, but we all have to adhere to the same rules,
so I have reported it as spam (using

The site seems to be so new that even Google haven't collected
that much information about it yet.

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* Software Engineer Andrew Engels Rump * BLIK og ROERarbejderforbundet *
* Immerkaer 42, 2650 Hvidovre * Tlf: +45 3638 3638, Fax: +45 3638 3639 *
Home: N55°41'38.9" E12°29'08.6" (WGS 84) Work: N55°39'50.9" E12°27'47.4"
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