Posted by Alan J. Flavell on 05/05/06 16:58
On Fri, 5 May 2006, Paul Watt wrote:
> So the target element has been retired in XHTML strict.
Presentational details had been "retired" (as you put it) already with
HTML/4 Strict. XHTML/1.0 Strict is only a re-working of HTML/4.01
into an XML-based formulation.
The fact that you're asking this question at all suggests that you
haven't quite grasped the point of "Strict" yet. (Quite apart from
having missed the last 1042 times this question was asked - and given
a similar dusty answer).
> How do you get a page to open in a new window
You don't...
> without using Javascript?
Even *with* JS, it isn't going to make any difference in quite a range
of browsing situations. Why do you suppose, as author, you have any
right to impose new windows on readers?
Please back up a step in your thinking, and figure out why you need to
know this. Then keep backing up until you no longer need it. That's
the only solution here. -- Randal Schwartz
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