Posted by Donald McDaniel on 05/06/06 00:32
On Fri, 5 May 2006 00:00:11 -0700, Michelle Steiner wrote
(in article <michelle-A7C044.00001105052006@news.west.cox.net>):
> In article <0001HW.C07FABC1003DCF4DF0488530@news.wildblue.net>,
> Donald McDaniel <orthocross@invalid.net> wrote:
>> Unlike Apple, which will not allow its OS to be distributed as an
>> OEM,
> More idiocy from you; every Mac sold has an OEM installation of the Mac
> OS pre installed.
>>>> And do NOT believe the "theory" that only a "Full Retail XP Pro"
>>>> will install and run via BootCamp on an Intel Mac. This is just
>>>> FUD from ignorant people, or nay-sayers in the Apple camp.
>>> Do you know this for a fact, or is just more of you're blowing
>>> smoke?
>> Having installed XP MANY, MANY times using both Retail and OEM copies
>> since its Beta days, I know for a FACT that as LONG as the OEM is a
>> so-called "FULL OEM", it WILL install on ANY Intel-based machine
>> quite easily, as long as there is at least 64MB memory and a CD/DVD
>> drive is on the machine and the drive is accessible and available,
>> and there is at least 3 GB of free (unallocated) HD space available.
> Have you ever installed it on an Intel Macintosh with Boot Camp? If
> not, you do not know this for a fact.
Then I know it for a fact.
< all the rest of your idiocy is snipped, as I actually should always do >
Donald L McDaniel
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