Posted by Luigi Donatello Asero on 05/06/06 04:27
I might have found a basic mistake on my website.
Let´s say that
one page has
a <div class="section" id="some name which refers to the content of the
whole page">
and then a menu with some links on the left side and a menu of content with
a list of links which refer to that page and some other which refer to the
same topic anyway and later the main content. In the end some foot notes.
Now assuming that we use <h1> to display sections, I guess that we should
use <h2> to display subsections
but how should I call the class referring to the menu on the left then?
Should it be a section as well?
Had it been a section I shoud have needed another <h1> there. But that is
not possible because I already have a main heading on the page.
So, should I use something like
<div class="subsection" id="menu">
and then have a heading like
<h2> Menu</h2>
and then
<div class="subsubsection" id="allman">
or should I have as I did
<div class="position" id="menu">
and then
<div class="subsection" id="allman">
Luigi Donatello Asero
Write in peace for peace
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