Reply to Re: <div class="position"> and <div class" section">

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Posted by Jonathan N. Little on 05/06/06 04:55

Luigi Donatello Asero wrote:
> "Luigi Donatello Asero" <> skrev i meddelandet
> news:IXS6g.55854$
>> I might have found a basic mistake on my website.
>> Let´s say that
>> one page has
>> a <div class="section" id="some name which refers to the content of the
>> whole page">
>> and then a menu with some links on the left side and a menu of content
> with
>> a list of links which refer to that page and some other which refer to the
>> same topic anyway and later the main content. In the end some foot notes.
>> Now assuming that we use <h1> to display sections, I guess that we
> should
>> use <h2> to display subsections
> I mean the headings which refer to sections and subsections here
>> but how should I call the class referring to the menu on the left then?
>> Should it be a section as well?
>> Had it been a section I shoud have needed another <h1> there. But that is
>> not possible because I already have a main heading on the page.
>> So, should I use something like
>> <div class="subsection" id="menu">
>> and then have a heading like
>> <h2> Menu</h2>
>> and then
>> <div class="subsubsection" id="allman">
> allman- allmänt= general content
>> <h3>Allmänt</h3>
>> or should I have as I did
>> <div class="position" id="menu">
>> and then
>> <div class="subsection" id="allman">
> There seems to be something wrong on
> when I display it on Opera "Allmänt" is underlined.
> Why is it?

You have nesting errors in your markup. Display results become

Take care,


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