Reply to Re: I Dunno...Somethin...

Your name:


Posted by Onideus Mad Hatter on 05/06/06 05:31

On 5 May 2006 18:48:44 GMT, Kim André Akerø
<> wrote:

>> > Don't bother replying to him. He appears to be a Flame Warrior:
>> >

>> Wow, boy ya know that shit was old like...a DECADE ago. *rolls eyes*
>> Seriously, just because you're a talentless rim job with no creativity
>> or imagination doesn't mea-er, no I guess that does pretty much
>> explains it.
>> BTW I love your "website", Kimmy:
>> *snicker*

>I feel the need to respond, just to get things in the clear.

Oh boy, poor dribbling little Bumbles just can't figure out how to
shut himself the fuck up. Honestly, are blinders REALLY that
difficult to put on?

>Sure, the reference of "Flame Warriors" is "old", but it's people like
>you who create the need to keep such terms and descriptions alive.

Actually stupid fuckin RLs and Webbies like you that keep such idiocy
going. Netters like me...well, we're a lil more evolved than your
brand of idiocy.

>> I especially like the part about where you claim to offer "website
>> design"...and it's don't even have A design, let
>> alone any examples of such which might persuade a potential customer
>> into actually paying you:

>> Web design base package (4 pages) $ 491.21
>> Additional web page $ 65.49
>> Website programming, per hour $ 81.87
>> Single web page update $ 49.12
>> Year subscription of web page update, per web page $ 818.69
>> Copyright transferral $ 1 146.16
>> BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...I mean, really, who the fuck do you think yer
>> kidding, Bumbles? And what exactly is "Copyright transferral"? LOL

>Websites created (designed) by my company will have the footer "Design
>and layout (C) Betadome Digital Media", along with the year it was
>designed and a link back to the company's website. A clause in the
>contract says that they cannot make design/layout changes or remove the
>footer without involving my company. "Copyright transferral" transfers
>the copyright to the client, and allows him/her to be free to do what
>they want with the design and layout on their own. then why would they have you build them a website? I mean,
again, are you stupid? Why would a potential client go with you when
you're going to charge them an extra $1,000+ dollars for the
"privilege" of not being directly associated with you or your goofy
ass "website".

>Granted, the website you see was created three years ago. I've been
>involved in better designs later on, but a new design for my own
>business is on my to-do list.

You know Bumbles...there are only two kinds of people on the
net...those who produce...and those who run at the fuckin mouth.
You...yer runnin at the fuckin mouth. I mean, either you've got sites
and you got em up...or yer just talkin shit. *shrugs* Which is it?

>> Wait, wait it gets even FUNNIER!
>> *Hatter nearly dies laughing*
>> You couldn't even edit that to make it more funny and insulting. ^_^

>And just what is so funny and insulting about that page?

Um, gee, I wonder what it could know if you're going to
put a picture of yourself on your better than a
webcam...and try not to look like some doofy, middle aged, comic book
fan boi.

>I'm just being
>100% honest about being self-employed in this business and who I am.

The real truth is you don't have any real clients and you never will.

>Posting my nickname and a link to my personal website just points in
>the direction that I don't have anything to hide, in terms of opinions
>and posts. I'm offering potential customers a chance to know who
>they'll be dealing with.

After skimming your price list I'm sure they'll have all the info they
need to know about you, Bumbles.

>> And dontcha just LOVE how his website is called "Betadome Digital
>> Media"? Even if you manage to get past the hilarity of "Betadome",
>> *snicker*, you suddenly realize that "Digital Media" is apparently
>> just a clever name seeing as how he doesn't offer, nor does he
>> actually even HAVE any "digital media"...LOL...I love this fuckin
>> doorknob, he's even funnier than that stupid n00b.job complaining
>> about off topic posts on Usenet...he, he, he...

>"Betadome" was defined after hours of brainstorming to find a unique
>business name.

....oh the sad.

>"Digital Media" was added to reflect the current and
>future services offered by my business.

....except for the small overlooked fact that YOU DON'T OFFER ANY
DIGITAL MEDIA fuckin doorknob.

>In fact "digital media" can be
>defined as high as High-Definition video productions, or as low as an
>online presence, which, in turn, can translate to website storage or a
>designed webpage.

It's nice to see you quibbling for justification, but the bottom line
is that you're a dumbass and you just though it "sounded cool" and so
you tacked it onto the end of yer crappy business name.

>To turn things around, I was also thinking about your own presence.

Son, you're not in ANY position to be trying to critique *MY* work,
I'm one of the most bad ass web developers on the fuckin planet.

>What is "Backwater Productions", anyway? I'm almost seeing someone
>sitting in a swamp with a wooden computer he built himself 10 years ago
>from scraps he found in a dumpster somewhere.

If my website looked like yours that might be the impression that
potential clients would get, however my primary website is eight
shades of fucking your mother with a broken broom handle...sideways.

>And who in their right mind would hire someone who poses himself as
>crazy (the image of the Mad Hatter from Alice In Wonderland comes to

Unlike you, I don't need to rely on my persona or any other doofy
gimmicks to try and get customers...I have skill. You might want to
think about getting some. ^_^

>> > I'm about to bozo-bin him for the nth time.

>> You make sure your blinders are on EXTRA tight this time, we wouldn't
>> want your stupid ass reading and replying to any of my posts, now
>> would we? ^_^

>"About to" means that I'm considering it, giving someone way too much a
>chance to prove they can improve.
>In your case, I'm afraid all hope is lost.

You can shut yourself the fuck up and quit reading and replying ANY
time you like, Bumbles, there's no need for you to posture your
idiocy. I mean, what the fuck do *I* care what YOUR reading or
replying to? Yer just some fuckin nobody, Bumbles. You have zero
skill, you're boring, you have no creativity and currently the only
thing you're good for is setting your failed life up as a canvas for
me to rip out some word art on.

>Speaking of stupid asses, I'll quote you from further up the thread:
>> I post wherever the fuck I like, whenever the fuck I please
>> to...if you don't like it, feel free to shut yourself the fuck up and
>> put on some blinders so the rest of Usenet doesn't have to be exposed
>> to your incredible fucking idiocy.
>Thing is, "wherever the fuck [you] like" defeats the defining purpose
>of having the Usenet newsgroup hierarch.

Well feel free to write to your congressman and tell him all about how
dat mean 'ol Mad Hatter is ruining yer whole Usenet experience...or,
like I said, shut yourself the fuck up. Seriously, whose holding a
gun to your stupid head and forcing you to read and reply to my every

>I'm reading this at "alt.html", which means topics regarding "HTML" is
>considered "on-topic". what are you doing in alt.html then? LOL...boy I bet that goes
right on over yer pointed lil head.

>I also see you're keeping this thread going in
>"" and "", among others,
>regardless of the fact that this thread has had nothing to do with
>either graphics design or the Final Fantasy game series as of yet.

Um, fucking hello, did you even READ the original post, Dumbass?


Boy that sure looks like a guide for a Final Fantasy game and those
sure look like original graphics to me.

Not to mention the fact that all teh froups in teh group line are all
my "home froups" or base posting territory, meaning that, again, your
DUMBASS is more than welcome to figure out those oh so complicated
filters so you can learn to SHUT YOURSELF THE FUCK UP.

>Now who's showing their idiocy? I'm sure major parts of "the rest of
>Usenet" disagrees with you almost all of the time.

Oh boy, Bumbles is retarding back into the sheep mentality for support

>What is the basis of the "wherever the fuck [you] like, whenever the
>fuck [you] like" claim? Free speech? IMO, free speech also includes the
>responsibility of knowing when to keep your mouth shut in respect of
>others. You, however, present yourself as a self-absorbed person who
>couldn't care less what other people think, and only start a thread for
>a refill on your own ego, and to condescend anyone who answers your

Okay, let's try it ONE more time:

>Frankly, I'm not kf'ing you quite yet, as I'm ve<COCK SLAP>

Look, kid, you can be a FUCKING MORON all you like, but don't try
justifying it to me, mmmkay? Cause I don't give a fuck what you think
you are or are not doing.


Onideus Mad Hatter
mhm ¹ x ¹

Hatter Quotes
"I'm not a professional, I'm an artist."

"The more I learn the more I'm killing my idols."

"Is it wrong to incur and then use the hate ridden, vengeful stupidity
of complete strangers in random Usenet froups to further my art?"

"Freedom is only a concept, like race it's merely a social construct
that doesn't really exist outside of your ability to convince others
of its relevancy."

"Next time slow up a lil, then maybe you won't jump the gun and start
creamin yer panties before it's time to pop the champagne proper."

"Reality is directly proportionate to how creative you are."

"People are pretty fucking high on themselves if they think that
they're just born with a soul. *snicker*...yeah, like they're just
givin em out for free."

"Quible, quible said the Hare. Quite a lot of quibling...everywhere.
So the Hare took a long stare and decided at best, to leave the rest,
to their merry little mess."

"There's a difference between 'bad' and 'so earth shatteringly
horrible it makes the angels scream in terror as they violently rip
their heads off, their blood spraying into the faces of a thousand
sweet innocent horrified children, who will forever have the terrible
images burned into their tiny little minds'."

"How sad that you're such a poor judge of style that you can't even
properly gauge the artistic worth of your own efforts."

"Those who record history are those who control history."

"Is my .sig delimiter broken? Really? You're sure? Awww,
gee...that's too bad...for YOU!" `, )

[Back to original message]

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